
So I assume you are stuck on this difficult game ? You're in the right place.


                                  THE LEGEND OF
                                ===============                              @
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     zzzzzzzzzzzzz                                                         @@@@@
              zzz                                                         @@@@@@@
             zzz                                                         @       @
            zzz                                                         @@@     @@@
           zzz                                                         @@@@@   @@@@@
          zzz       eeeeeeee  llll          ddddddd        aaa        @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@
         zzz        eee   ee   lll          dd    dd      aa aa
        zzz         ee         lll          dd     dd    aa   aa
       zzz          eeeeeeee   lll          dd      dd  aa     aa
      zzz           eeeeeeee   lll          dd      dd aaaaaaaaaaa
     zzz            ee         lll    llll  dd     dd  aa       aa
    zzzzzzzzzzzzz   eee   ee   lll     ll   dd    dd   aa       aa
    zzzzzzzzzzzzz   eeeeeeee  lllllllllll   ddddddd    aa       aa






The controls are simple for The Legend of Zelda. These are all based on
the NES version, so I am referring to the NES pad. For emulators, you can
set the controls for the keyboard or for a gamepad / joystick.

A BUTTON = Swing your sword, confirm selection when entering a name.

B BUTTON = Use an item. Press Start to access the menu, and highlight an
item from your inventory and when you press B, you will use that item.
Like the C-Buttons for Ocarina of Time.

SELECT BUTTON = Select a command on the game select screen. You can select
between the different games you have saved, start a new game or delete a game.
You can also use select to pause during play.

START BUTTON = Confirm your choice on the game select screen, access
the menu.

D-PAD = Move Link, select an item on the menu to assign to the B Button,
select characters when entering a name.


This is a walkthrough for each of the quests. In these walkthroughs, I
have wrote it so that you can get a lot of items before you start the
first level, this makes the game a lot easier.


From the start you will see a cave in front of you. Enter and talk to
the old man and collect the WOODEN SWORD. Exit the cave and head right
4 screens and kill all the enemies you see, which are Octorocks and Blue
Tektites. If you get bombs, destroy the wall here, second block from
the left of the passage going up, and collect the heart container (4).
If you don't have bombs, go all the way to the right and up, into the cave
and buy some for 20 rupees. If you don't have that much go on a killing
spree until you do.

From where you found the first heart container go up 5 screens and
right one screen, see the big boulder? Bomb the right side of it
(at the front) and collect the heart container there (5). Go right
one screen and bomb the wall at the top, second tile from left, collect
the 30 rupees. Go right, up (not the ladder), right. Go up to collect the
letter. Now you can buy potions. Go back down and right. At the top of
this screen is a wall you can walk up through. It is a tiny bit
right from the centre, collect the 100 rupees and go back down one screen.

If you go left, left, down, down you will see two Armos statues. Touch the
side or top of the right one (not the bottom or you will get hurt) and it
will come alive. Either kill it or avoid it and go down the stairs to get
30 rupees. From here go up, up the ladder, and left 3 times. Go up the ladder
and into the cave and collect the WHITE SWORD.

Go back down and go left until you can't go any further. Go down, right,
down 4 times, and left, bomb the wall here just left of centre at the
top for 30 rupees. Go left and buy the BLUE CANDLE for 60 rupees. Go
left, up, right, and use your new candle to burn the bottom left bush in
the middle of the screen. Collect the 10 rupees. Go up and burn the top
left bush, and buy the MAGICAL SHIELD for 90 rupees. Here is also the
bait, you need this for level 7.

Go right one screen and burn the fifth bush from the right for another
heart container (6), now go left, down, left, down, left and enter the
cave. Give the old woman the letter, and you can now buy potions. Don't
buy one yet though. Go left twice, burn the top single bush in the
middle of the screen and collect another 100 rupees. Go up, right, down,
and right twice to get back to the potion woman. Go up one screen and
you will see a cave. Remember you can buy the arrows from here later,
you don't need them yet. Now if you have 250 rupees or more, go up,
touch the top middle statue and buy the BLUE RING. If you have about
200 rupees, go and defeat enemies until you have it. Trust me, it is essential.

Now for level 1. By getting all of this stuff, the first few levels of the game
will be a breeze. From where you found the blue ring go down 3 times,
right, right, down, right. You will be back at the start now. It would
be a good time now to save and quit, as you will appear back here (press
start on pad 1, press up and A at the same time on pad 2 (can be done by
switching pads if you only have one). When you are ready, go right one
screen and up until you see a bridge. Walk left over it and enter Level 1.

Walk straight back out and then in again. The door in front of you will
be magically unlocked. Don't ask how....Go left and defeat the 3 keese
(bats) for a key. Go right one screen to the entrance then go right
and kill the 6 stalfos (skeletons), one on them hides a key. Go back to
the left one screen and go up this time. There are 3 stalfos here. Go up
again and kill the 5 stalfos for a key. Go left, avoid the keese and
unlock the door. Here you can find 3 zols and a block. Defeat the zols
and push the block in any direction to open the door to the left, where you
get a hint. But you don't need a hint when you have this guide, do you? From
the hint room go right 2 screens and collect the map, then head up. Here there
are 3 stalfos, one holds a key. Continue up. Defeat the 3 goriyas here (avoid
their boomerangs) for another key then go left. The block to the far left can
be pushed vertically to allow access to the stairs. Avoid the traps to the sides
of the room and enter the stairs for the BOW. Once you exit to the room with the
traps, go right and down twice to the room where you found the map. Go right
and defeat the monsters for a WOODEN BOOMERANG, then continue right.
Collect the key avoiding the wallmasters (if they grab you they send you back to
the beginning of the level!) and go up to encounter the boss, Aquamentus,
the dragon. If you have full health, this is easy, stand at the left of the
room and swing your sword and avoid the fire. Otherwise, keep hitting it
in the head but when its mouth opens up, move to avoid the fire. It only
takes a couple of hits with the White Sword. Once it is defeated a heart
container (7) will appear then go right to receive the first Triforce piece.

You will appear outside level 1. From the entrance, go right one screen,
up and continue to the right until you see the rock you bombed for a heart
container earlier. Go right and down twice then go left. Follow the stairs up to
reach level 2. If you saved and quit after level 1, to make it easier (instead
of going back to level 1 to follow the directions) go right, up twice, right 5
times, up, left, and up from the starting point.

Start by going right and killing the ropes (snake-type creatures that
run at you) for a key, then go up and left 2 screens and defeat the
ropes for another key. Go 2 screens to the right again and head up.
Kill the goriyas if you wish then head up once more. Defeat the ropes
for another key and go right to find 3 blue goriyas, avoid the fireballs
and kill them for the SILVER BOOMERANG. Go left again and up to find a
moldorm, defeat it for a key. Go right for bombs then left and up.
Defeat the ropes and head up through the door, kill the goriyas and
collect more bombs. Go up to meet Dodongo, shove 2 bombs in his mouth
to get another heart container (8) then go left for the second Triforce
piece. Simple as that.

From the entrance to level 2, down, right, down, left 5 times, down,
left 5 times, down, right.
From the starting point go up, left 4 times, down, right.

From the start go left and collect the key, and head up. kill the zols
for a key here and continue up. Now, here are darknuts, very annoying
knights that can only be defeated by hitting them with your sword in the
back or sides, or using bombs. Defeat all 3 here for some bombs. If you
have the White Sword they only need two hits. Go left then unlock the
door to the left to meet more darknuts. Defeat all 5 and go down through
the door that opens.  Here avoid all the darknuts and go down the stairs
and collect the RAFT. Now you can sail the seven seas! Go back then up
2 screens, collect the key and go right, unlocking the door to the right
and entering. Unlock the door to the right and go down, defeating more
darknuts to open the door to the right, defeat all the enemies here and
go up to encounter the boss, Manhandla. There are 2 ways to defeat this
boss, you can either plant a bomb right in the middle of it, killing
it instantly, or hack it to death with your sword. Beware, if you don't
succeed in bombing it, it will get rather annoyed and move very fast
around the screen. Once it is dead, collect the heart container (9)
and walk up to collect the third piece of the Triforce of Wisdom.

Before level 4 you can get another heart container, from the entrance to
level 3 go left, up, right 4 times, down, (here is the starting point)
go all the way to the right, and all the way up until you see a dock.
Cross the water using the raft and collect another heart container (10).
From here to level 4, go all the way back down, all the way to the left
until you reach the starting point again, then go up, left twice, up
twice, crossing the sea (just walk onto the dock).

As soon as you enter, go left and defeat the keese for a key. Go right
and up defeat the Vire, then go up for a key then go left. In this room
you need to use your blue candle to light the room, then go up for
another dark room with a key. Head up again. Yet another dark room. Go
right, unlocking the door. Go right again and defeat all the enemies and
push the left block to collect the LADDER. Go left twice and up across
the water using the ladder, then up twice for a manhandla, go up to get
advice then unlock the door the to the right and enter. Grab the key and
continue to the right, avoid the traps and go down. Defeat the enemies
and push the left block to unlock the door, in here you will meet a 2-
headed Gleeok. If you have full health stand at a distance and attack
with your sword. If not then run up to him and attack one of the heads
then run away to avoid the fire he breaths at you. After one head is dead
the head you killed will chase you. Avoid it and defeat the other head,
collect the heart container (11) and get the fourth piece of Triforce.

From the entrance to level 4 go back to the starting point, you should
know where it by now but its down, down, right, right, down. Again, go
all the way to the right and up once. Buy the arrows for 80 rupees,
you'll need them soon. Go up from here and use the ladder to walk across
the water and collect the heart container (12). Now, you can collect the
magical sword now. Go back down and all the way to the left to the start
point, then go up, left 4 times, down, left (the lower area) left again
and up. Ok, this is the forest maze. To escape, go up, left, down, left.
Then go up twice, (into the graveyard) right, and up twice. Now there are
4 vertical sets of graves, the one that can be pushed is the third from
the left, middle grave. It can only be pushed up or down. Enter the cave
and get the MAGICAL SWORD. Go down, right, right, up the right ladder,
right. Here, the top right armos hides a power bracelet. To get to the
next level from here, go up then right seven times, then you will reach the
lost hills. To get here from the starting point, go right, up 5, left,
up, right 4 times. To get to level 5 from the lost hills you need to
keep going up. That's up 4 times, you will reach level 5.

Start by going right and killing the 5 pols voice with arrows (its a lot

uicker than using your sword) for a key. Go left again and up. Use your
candle to light the area and kill the 3 gibdos, one of them holds a key.
Go up. Here there are 3 Dodongos, kill them using bombs and collect the
bombs they leave, head left. Kill the zols and collect the key, then
head down. There are 5 gibdos here; one of them holds bombs. Bomb the
wall to the left and kill the 5 blue darknuts, and push the block and
enter the passageway. Go left (unlocking the door) kill the 6 blue
darknuts and push the block to collect the FLUTE. Go right again and if
you have 100 rupees, unlock the door to the south. Kill the keese,
collect the key, bomb the wall to the right and pay the man to recieve more
bombs. Go back up and return through the passageway. Go right twice from
here (bombing the wall to the right in gibdos room) and up to get back
to the Digdogger room. Go right here and kill the zols to get rupees
(better than nothing) and go up. Kill the gibdos for a key and continue
up. Kill or avoid the red darknuts, you get the compass if you kill
them, continue up again. No point in killing here, just grab the key
and unlock the door to the left. Kill the gibdos for a key, go left.
Unlock the door to the left, either killing the pols voice or avoiding
them, and you will meet Digdogger, give the whistle a blow and kill
the small part, collect the heart container (13) and go up for the fifth
Triforce chunk.

To get to level 6 from the level 5 entrance go down, left 6 times, down,
left twice, down, left, up, and from the start go right, up 5 times,
left, up, left twice, down, left, left, up.

Start by going right and killing the wizzrobes, they take one hit with
the magical sword. You can block their attack with the magical shield.
Kill them for a key. Go back to the left and unlock the door on the
left. You will meet more wizzrobes here. Kill them if you want then go
up and kill the zols for the compass and continue up. Here there are
lots of keese, kill them all for a key and continue up. Go up again
avoiding the traps. In this room you need to defeat all the enemies and
push the left block to proceed. Go up. Instead of going up to face
Gleeok, bomb the right wall and collect the key here, then head up.
Continue up and defeat all the wizzrobes in this room and push the left
block for the MAGIC WAND. Go back down and cross the water and into the
right door. Light this room, collect the key, ignore the wizzrobes and
head back left and down, ignore those damn wizzrobes and head down
again. Kill the Vire and go right. Kill everything, push the block and
enter the passage. When you emerge, head down. Kill the 3 Vire for yet
another key and go left, unlock the door at the top and fire one arrow
into Gohma when her eye opens, avoiding the fire, collect the heart
container (14), go up to collect the sixth Triforce piece. Not too hard
was it?

For level 7 you will need the bait, there are many places to get it.
From level 6 go down, left, down, left, down, down, right, right, right,
up, right, up, up, up, top middle statue. From there to level 7 its
down, down, left, left, up. From the start to the bait its up, left,
left, left, left, up, up, up. From the start to level 7 its up, left 4
times, up, left, up. The meat costs 60 rupees. To enter level 7 blow the
whistle on the screen with the water in the middle. You also need 100
rupees is you want to carry more bombs.

Go right and kill the moldorms for bombs. Go up then right, then right
again, then again. Get the key after killing the stalfos then go left
until you reach the room with the goriyas, bomb up, then go left and
unlock the door at the top, ignore the Dodongos. Buy more bombs if you
have the money, then go down and right, kill the goriyas if you want,
then go up. Kill everything in here (goriyas and keese) then continue
going up. Bomb the right wall in the Digdogger room and defeat the
moldorm for a key, then go left twice. Kill all the goriyas and unlock
the top door, and feed the hungry goriya with the bait, then continue
going up. Get the map here and bomb the top wall for 10 rupees. Bomb the
wall to the right and kill the goriyas to open the right door. In here
is more goriyas and a key. Kill them all, then go left and down. Bomb
the right wall, kill the goriyas and get the RED CANDLE by pushing the
block. Bomb the right wall here and unlocking the right door. Kill the
Digdogger and go up. Bomb to the right and kill all the wallmasters
while avoiding the bubbles, if the wallmasters catch you its back to the
entrance, and a broken NES pad (or keyboard) will result. When you have
killed them (you can't kill the bubbles) push the middle block to the
right and go through the passage. Ok, bomb to the right, hit the
Aquamentus on the head twice, collect the heart container (15), the
seventh piece of Triforce and smile happily.

No messing around, straight to level 8. From level 7 go down, right 3
times, down, right 7 times, up, right (top passageway) right, down. From
start, right, up, right 4 times, up, right, down, right. To enter, burn
the standout tree with the red candle.

Go right and get the key then go left then left again. Bomb the
manhandla, go left, kill enemies and get the MAGIC BOOK. Return to the
entrance (right twice) and go up. Avoid or kill the manhandla and bomb
the top wall. Kill the darknuts (blue), get the key, go left, get the
key, go left, get the key, go right then right again, then up. Up again,
unlocking the door. Bomb up, go up then bomb left. Collect the 10 rupees
then go up. Bomb to the right and fire an arrow into Gohmas' eye when it
opens, do this 3 times then go right. Kill everything then collect the
MAGIC KEY, you don't have to worry about keys anymore. Then go left,
down and down again. Kill the darknuts that you passed earlier on if you
haven't already then go right when the door opens. Avoid everything and
go into the passageway, use your arrows on the pols voice when you
emerge then bomb up to fight Gleeok. Ok, same tactics keep attacking the
heads while avoiding the flying dead heads and fire. Collect the heart
container (16) and the last piece of the Triforce of Wisdom. Bet you
thought this level would be a lot longer, didn't you?

Ok, now for level 9, Death Mountain. From the entrance to level 8, go
up, left twice, up three times, left 4 times, up twice, left twice. From
the start (it is recommended that you save and quit now) right, up 5
times, left, up twice, left twice. You need the silver arrow to defeat
Ganon, it is the only thing that can kill him and it can be found in
Death Mountain. The entrance lies in the left rock, bomb the middle to
enter. Make sure you have a red potion as well...

Start by going up twice and bombing the left wall. Kill the lanmola and
push the block and enter the passage. When you emerge go through the
locked door on the right, then go right again. Go down in this room,
avoiding the patra, and kill the gels for a blue (5) rupees. Bomb right
and kill the patra for the map if you want then bomb up. Kill everything
here and push the left block and take the RED RING. Now apart from Link
looking a lovely shade of red, you will recieve even less damage than the
blue ring. Go down twice, left and up. Go through the locked door at the
top of this room, killing the patra for bombs or avoiding it. Bomb to the
left in this room, kill those damn wizzrobes, push the block and enter the
passage. In the next area, go through the locked door on the left, and
go to the left again. Kill the patra here and push the block to enter
yet another passage. Bomb up in the next room. Kill everything in this
room and push the stone to get the SILVER ARROW, an item essential to
your victory over Ganon. Go back down and into the passage again, and
go up, up, up, bomb the left wall, push left block after defeating all
enemies here, in next area, bomb the left wall, kill everything, and push
the block to enter the final passage. Kill the patra here and go up.
Time for the Final Battle! Link will hold up the complete Triforce
of Wisdom and Ganon will appear.... then disappear. Walk around the
room stabbing air with your sword and eventually you will hit him.
Watch out for the fire, you can't block it, even with the magical
shield. After 4 hits, he will turn brown, toss a silver arrow at
him and watch him crumble. Grab his Triforce of Power and head up,
hit the fire with your sword and walk up to Zelda to complete the
first quest. Well done!

What's wrong? The First Quest too easy for you? Press start after the wonderful
ending to appear back at the game select screen, and you will see Link now
holding a White Sword. Time for the Second Quest! Everything is mixed up,
items are in different places, levels are in different places, and levels
are totally new and different. It is a LOT harder than the first quest.
Back in '87 I could complete the first quest easily cos I played it so often,
but I needed to use Game Genie codes for the second. I never used a guide
back then so I literally clocked up HUNDREDS of hours walking around
aimlessly. When I found my old copy of Zelda in mint condition from
my attic, I finally managed to do it (eventually).

Anyway, here is the walkthrough for the much harder second quest:


Get the WOODEN SWORD from the old man like last time. Now, like quest
one there is a number of things that you can do before the first level.
First of all, go up then left 5 times. Then go up then go down again but
on the left side, then left to get to the lost woods. Like last time its
up, left, down, left. When you exit, go up 4 times, and push the grave
in the middle of the second row from the left. Collect the heart
container (4). From here go down, right, right, and up. Here, where
level 6 was in the first quest, is 30 rupees. Go back down. The bracelet
is in the same place, so go right, up the right staircase and right and
touch the top right statue to get it. You need bombs soon so buy them in
the cave to the right if you haven't got some by defeating enemies. From
here go up and right. The money making game is here if you bomb the left
bit of the wall to the left of the middle of the screen. Now go left 4
times and up. Go left 3 times from here and then down to reach 6 rocks.
Push the leftmost rock and enter to get the LETTER. From here go up
right. if you have enough bomb the third block from the right to find
the old woman. Show her the letter and buy a potion if you have enough.
Now you will need a candle. So go back to the start. To get her either
save and quit or go back manually. Go up, right 3 times, down, right,
down, left, down, up (left stairway). Now if you push the left rock you
will find stairs. If you go down them and go left twice you will be back
at the start. Thank God for the bracelet, it saves a lot of time. The
other way is back through the lost woods. I recommend saving and
quitting, it saves time. Anyway, now you need a candle, so from the
start go up and left, into the cave. Buy the candle for 60 rupees.
However, if you don't have enough cash, go to where you got a heart
container in the first quest, the rock near level 2 (from start right,
up 5, right 5). Right next to the rock by the sea, at the top bomb the
wall for 30 rupees. Go down one screen and touch the right statue for
another 30. Now buy the candle in the shop up and left from the start,
then go left 3 times again. Go up and burn the bottom left green bush
for 100 rupees. Good, but still not enough to buy the blue ring. Return
to the start. Go right, up and go left until you reach 6 green bushes
and water, burn the lower left bush for 10 rupees then go up and buy the
magical shield for 90 rupees by burning the top-left bush. From here, go
right twice and burn the bush on the far right, the very top for 30
rupees. Now, walk around and defeat lots of enemies for money until you
have enough, I think the tektites are best, especially the blue ones,
there are some to the right of the start. When you have 250 rupees, from
the start go right, up 5 times, right 5 times, up, right twice, and walk
through the wall at the top for the BLUE RING. Once you do that make
sure you have shown the old woman the letter and bought a red potion,
you should have a red potion for every single level on the second quest.
Once you are ready for level 1, it is in the same place as it is in the
first quest, from the start go right then up until you see a bridge,
cross it.

Go right and kill the 5 goriyas for the WOODEN BOOMERANG. You can bomb
up here but there is no point. Go left and up. Here there are 3 goriyas
and 2 statues firing at you. Defeat them for a key. You can also bomb to
the right here as well but you will go there soon enough. Head up. Now,
it gets quite tricky here. There are stalfos here, 5 of them, but they
fire swords at you. Now this takes a big chunk of hearts away from you
if you didn't buy the blue ring. Kill them and collect the compass,
then head up again. Remember you can block their sword if you bought
the magical shield. Anyway, in the next room there are 3 blue goriyas,
defeat them and collect the bombs they leave, how kind. Go up again.
There are 8 gels here, defeat them all using your boomerang or sword to
receive 5 rupees. Better than nothing I suppose. Don't bother going up
or you will get stuck in a room with 2 moldorms. Go right, unlocking
the door. Meet Dodongo. Shove 2 bombs in his mouth to kill him, you
will get absolutely nothing. Charming. Head down through the newly open
door. Collect the map. Kill the keese to open the door and head up,
left, and down until you reach the wall you bombed, now is the time
to enter. Kill the keese and go through the passage. You will emerge
in a room with 3 bubbles and wallmasters. Kill the wallmasters to get
the key to open the door, and go left. Killing the blue goriyas here
gets you nothing so bomb up to meet Aquamentus. 6 hits or bomb him
to death, shouldn't present a problem. Collect the heart container (5)
and grab the Triforce from the room on the right.

Now you can get the white sword, so go right from level 1, up, left, up,
right 5 times and up. Avoid the blue lynel and get the WHITE SWORD from
the cave. Remember where the blue ring was in the first quest? Well,
that is where level 2 is. To get there from the white sword, go down,
left 5 times, down, right, down 4 times, left 4 times, up 3 times. From
the start it is up, left 3 times, up 3 times. From level 1 it is right,
down, left 2, down, left, down, left, up 3 times. To enter level 2,
touch the middle top armos. You may want to get the bait from the same
place you got the blue ring for 60 rupees, you need it in the next

Go up, kill the gibdos, get the key and go up again. Kill the zols (they
are also excellent for money) and go right. Now, meet your friend
darknut. Kill all 3 for a compass. You can bomb up here, but just go
left again then up. Avoid the 8 keese or kill them, collect the key that
sits there, and go up again. Then again. Another 8 keese await, kill
them to open the door. Before you go through it bomb right and get
the key then go left again then up to meet manhandla, bomb him and
get the key he leaves, then go right. Avoid the darknuts and go up.
If you kill the 2 zols here you will get the map. Go down then down
again. Walk through the south wall and into the stairs to get the
FLUTE. Now walk through the left wall, and head south back to the
room where the compass was, to the right of the room with the 3 zols
and 2 statues. In this room, bomb up and that way you save a key.
Kill the pols voice, keese and gibdos to get a key and go right.
Kill the darknuts for bombs then go down. Kill the 4 keese to get a
key, avoiding the fire from the statues, and head down again. Kill
the zols for another key then go down again. If you kill the gibdos
you get a blue rupee, enter the stairs and follow the passage to reach
a room with a locked door at the top, and 3 darknuts wandering about.
Kill them for bombs if you wish then unlock the top door for the boss,
Gleeok. This Gleeok has only 2 heads, stand at a distance if you have
full health and avoid the fire, or run up and hit it in the head with
your sword. Remember to avoid the flying heads. Collect the heart
container (6) and go up to get the Triforce.

Ok, now you have the flute, it is time to get more much-needed heart
containers. From level 2, go down 3 times, right 4 times, up 4 times,
right twice, then down. From the start go right, up 5 times, right twice
and down. Blow your flute to make stairs appear (7). For another one it
is time to make a trip to the graveyard. From the last heart container
go down (you can buy arrows in this cave for later), left, push the
standout rock and choose the right path then go down (you can buy
medicine here if you bomb in between the stairs, to the right a little
bit), up the right ladder, right, right, up, right, right, up, left (8).
Go left or right and blow the flute and the whirlwind should take you to
level 1. From the level 1 entrance to the right, then down twice, right
5 times, up, left, up. From the start go right, up twice, right 5 times,
up, left, up. From level 2 go down 3 times, right, up, right 5 times,
up, right twice, down, right twice, up, left, up. To enter level 3 blow
the whistle on that screen. And make sure you bought the bait from the
same place you got the blue ring as well.

This level is pretty damn easy. Go up and kill the 6 goriyas then go
right. If you kill them you get a heart container (9). Hmm. If you go
down you can get the compass, go back up (don't bother doing anything
else yet). Go back up and left, then up again. Here you will meet a new
enemy, the electric rope. They take 2 hits with the white sword. Kill
all of them to get bombs then go up. Here collect the map and kill all
the blue goriyas to proceed. If you look at the map you will see that it
is pretty strange. Head up for lots of Stalfos. Kill them for a key and
continue up, bait in hand. Hand it over to the goriya in the next room
then kill all of the goriyas in the next room. Killing them acquires you
the SILVER BOOMERANG. Now, go all the way down to the room with the
compass, since the level is pretty linear I will let you figure out
where it is. I'll give you a clue, it is through the only right door in
this dungeon. Don't let the wallmasters grab you, kill all of them and
push the middle block to the right and enter the passage. Kill the
goriyas in the next area and collect the Triforce. Ridiculous.
Don't worry, not all levels are like this, you'll see...

To get to level 4, from level 3 go down, right, up twice, up ladder,
left twice. From the start it is right, up 5 times, left, up, all the
way to the right until you reach the lost hills. To enter, push the
rightmost stone up or down. One more thing, you need the power bracelet
to open this level, I presume you have been following my instructions
carefully, therefore, you should already have it.

First of all, go left and kill the zols and keese avoiding the bubbles
to get a key. Go right then up. Eliminate the Digdogger and go left when
the door opens. Kill the pols voice and red and blue darknuts to get the
compass then go up. OK, this room needs some explanation. The red
bubbles take away your sword permanently, the blue ones restore the use
of your sword. So if you get hit by a red one you need to get hit by a blue
one. Got it? Kill the darknuts and go right through the locked
door. Kill the Aquamentus and go to the right. Now, after you kill the
enemies, you need to push a stone, but which one...the middle stone on
the far left. Grab the magic book. There is an walkthrough wall to the
north, go up if you have 100 rupees to get more bombs. Walk through the
left wall and kill the darknuts to get bombs then unlock the door of the
left. Remember, you will need 50 rupees later unless you don't mind
losing a heart container, permanently. Through the next room kill the
blue darknuts to get a key then head up. Kill the zols and go up, then
go right. Push the stone and go down. Kill everything to get a key then
Bomb right for money. Go left then up. Bomb the wall to the right. Kill
the Dodongo and go up and kill the darknuts for a map. Go down and left,
then up. Bomb the top wall then leave your life or money (50 rupees)
then go right and push the middle left block. Go through the passage.
OK, this bit is annoying. If you get hit by the red bubbles, you have to
go back through the passage to get hit by the blue bubbles). Go up
through the locked door to meet Digdogger. Blow the flute, kill the 3
small bits, collect the heart container (10) and the Triforce.

Now for another heart. From level 4 go left 4 times, down, right 7
times, down, right. From the staring point, go right, up 5 times, right
6, down, right. See that dock? Sail across using the raft and go into
the cave to get another lovely heart container (11). To get to level 5,
from the last heart go down 5, left 8 times, up, left twice, up, and up
again using the raft.  From the start, go up, left twice, up twice,
using the raft.

Go up and left, unlock the door to the right and enter. If you walk
through the wall to the left you can get a key. Walk back through to the
right and go through the passage. Kill everything in this room and push
the middle left stone to open the door, go through it. Avoid the Gohma
and go down, down the stairs to get the BOW. Go back up. Then go left
and up twice, avoiding all the red bubbles. Kill the wizzrobes and go
right. Kill the zols and go up. Kill the manhandla and go up, kill the
keese and go down the nearby stairs. When you emerge unlock the door to
the left to fight another Gleeok, this time it has 3 heads. Same
tactics, collect the heart container (12) and get the Triforce. Easy.

Now you can get the Magical Sword. Go down twice, left twice, down, left
through bottom path, left, up twice, left, down, left, up 3 times, right
3 times, up right ladder, right twice, up, right twice, up, right twice.
Push the left stone to get it. Level 6 is at the graveyard. From the
lost woods, go up, left, down, left, up, up, up. Then blow the flute.

Go up twice, then left 3 times. Get the stepladder, then right twice and
down, get the key. Go up and right. Bomb up, Walk up through the wall,
then walk through the right wall, push the stone in the middle of the
screen. After the passage, bomb down, and get a key, go back up, go
through the locked door on the right. Kill the Gleeok and go right,
pushing the left block. After the passage, go up to meet Gohma, hit her
in the eye with arrows, 3 of them. Get the (13) heart container and the
Triforce. Note I haven't went into much detail as this level is pretty
easy. The last few aren't though.

There is one more heart container to get, and you can use the ladder to
get it. From the start go all the way to the right and up twice (14).
From that last heart to level 7, go down twice, left 4 times, up and
right. From the starting point, go right 4 times, up and right. To open
the entrance, stand in the right area of the screen and burn the top
left bush.

Remember you will need 50 rupees if you don't want to lose a heart container.
Start by going right 4 times, and kill everything here and push the
block to allow access to the stairs, follow the passage and when you
emerge, go down, killing the keese on the way. There is a key here, get
it and kill everything in this room, push the middle left stone and grab
the RED CANDLE. When you come out go right and kill the manhandla using
bombs, push the left stone and go right, then go up, kill the enemies
for the map and go up again. Kill the enemies here as well then go up
again. Then again. Kill the Gohma then go up. Get the key, kill
everything, push the left stone to find another passageway. When you
come out the other end, then go up, push the stone and go right. Another
money or life guy, so take your pick then go down. Kill the enemies and
push the stone, go down the passage. Go left then left again to meet
another Gleeok, this time it's a four headed one. Stab it until it dies,
get the heart container (15) then the Triforce.

Getting to level 8 is a major pain in the ass. From level 7 go left, up
4 times, left 4 times, up, right twice. From the starting point go
right, up 5 times, left, up, right twice. To enter you need to bomb the
fifth stone from the left side of the screen, using the ladder to cross
the water. NOTE: You will need more bait for this level, get it at the
same place where you got the blue ring, the VERy top right hand corner
of the map.

Go up, push the left stone, go through passage. Walk through the bottom
wall when you emerge and go down, unlocking the door. Kill the
wallmasters and push the middle stone on the right and go down the
stairs to get the MAGIC WAND. Then go up and right, pushing the middle
left stone and enter the passage. Then go up 3 times and feed the
goriya, then continue up. Then again. Kill the goriyas to get a key then
unlock the left door, go left, then again, then again, bombing the wall.
Go left until you come to a room with red bubbles, push the left middle
stone and go through. Go left kill the enemies and get the MAGIC KEY.
Go right then down. Push the stone, go left then walk through the south
wall. Then go right, then again, unlocking the door, killing the goriyas
and going down more stairs. Bomb south, go down, go left, go left.
Buy more bombs, then to get to the boss, go right twice, then up 3
times, shove 2 bombs in the Dodongos mouth, 'nuff said. Get the heart
container (16) then the Triforce.

OK, bomb the top left wall at the very very top left corner of the map.
Right, this is it, the final level, the final confrontation with Ganon,
so lets get going. Go up twice, walk through the right wall, then again.
Bomb up, walk through the left wall, kill all the wizzrobes and get the
SILVER ARROW, needed to kill Ganon. Walk through the wall to the north,
push the left stone, go through the passage. Bomb up then go left twice.
Go up twice and go up (you need to go left first then right because of the
block in the middle of the screen.) then go right and bomb up, then go
right. Go up then through the left wall, then left again. Then go up and
through the left wall and kill the enemies to get the RED RING. Go right
again, push the stone and through the passage. Bomb the right wall and go
up to fight Ganon. Same strategy as the first quest, wander around the
room stabbing air with your sword until he turns brown and give him a
silver arrow. I bet you thought he'd be a lot harder didn't you? Pat
yourself on the back. You are either a Zelda Master or a CHEATER! Save
Princess Zelda again, and that's that. The ending is slightly different,
it says how much courage and wisdom you have, which depends on how many
 times you have died. Then it says, "The end of The Legend of Zelda 1".
So they were making a sequel when they didn't even know how successful
this game would be? Lucky it did do well.


There are a few secrets for The Legend of Zelda.

To start on the second quest straight away rather than complete the
first quest first, enter your name as ZELDA.

To earn rupees quickly, defeat lots of blue tektites, found in various
places, common in mountains. There are tektites 2 screens right of the
starting point. Also good are ropes, found in the second level of the
first quest. Also if you have patience, play the money making game, and
everytime you lose and the game takes money from you, do the up and A
trick, and save it if you win. Requires time, and not really worth it,
but give it a try if you are desperate.

If you press start on controller 1 and up + A on controller 2 it takes
you to the continue, save, retry menu. Very handy.

If you remain deep in a door in a dungeon enemies cannot get you. You
can run in and out if you want, attacking then hiding, if you are really
low on health.

To escape the Lost Woods, go up, left, down, left.

To escape the Lost Hills go up, up, up, up.

When you enter level one on the first quest, if you leave and then enter
again the formally locked door in front will unlock.


There are a huge variety of original monsters in The Legend of Zelda, some
harder to kill than others, most of them appeared on other Zelda games except
a couple, Vire and Patra were not on any other Zelda games, I think...


OCTOROK          - You may know them from Majora's Mask in the swamps, they are
	               octopus creatures that fire rocks at you. They come in 2
	               forms, red and blue. Red takes one hit whatever sword you
	               have, blue takes 2 with the wooden sword and one with the
	               white sword. They are found everywhere.
TEKTITE          - Spiders that roam the overworld, usually the mountain areas.
	               They come in 2 forms, blue and red. The red is faster and
	               usually the blue leaves a blue rupee.
MOBLIN           - Found in forest areas, they throw arrows at you. The black
	               ones are harder and require 3 hits with the wooden sword,
	               the red variety need 2.
LEEVER           - Creatures that burrow into the ground, they always looked
	               like giant candles to me when I was younger. Come in 2
	               forms, again red and blue, red takes 2 hits with the wooden
	               sword, blue takes 4. Red move towards you, blue move at
	               random around the screen.
PEAHAT           - A flower that spins around, can be killed when it has
	               stopped moving. Not worth bothering about, best avoided.
LYNEL            - Dog/horse like creatures that throw swords at you. Red is
	               easier than blue. If the sword hits you it can take quite a
	               bit on energy off you. Found near Death Mountain.
ARMOS            - Statues that come to life when touched. Sometimes hide
	               stuff, like stairways and items. Sometimes they move around
	               really fast when touched, sometimes very slow.
ZORA             - Sea creatures that attack with fire. Only appear in areas
	               where there is water.
GHINI            - Ghosts. They are only ever found in the graveyard. When you
	               touch other graves, more ghosts will appear, but only the
	               ghini that was on the screen when you entered can be killed.
	               When you do this, all the other ghosts that were on the
	               screen will disappear, usually leaving items.
ROCK             - Not really an enemy but not a friend either. Drops on you in
	               the mountains, fairly easy to avoid.


KEESE            - Bats, very common. There are 3 different colours but they
	               all take one hit with your sword.
STALFOS          - Skeletons, walk slowly towards you, sometimes hold items
	               such as keys. In the second quest they throw swords at you.
	               Fairly easy to kill, a few hits with the wooden sword.
VIRE             - Dog-like creatures, bounce around. One hit with the wooden
	               sword and white sword turns them into two red bats, one hit
	               with the magical sword kills them. Found in later levels.
ROPE             - Fast snake creatures that, once lined up with them, dart at
	               you pretty fast. Leave a lot of rupees usually. The second
	               quest has an electric version of them, they are slightly
GORIYA           - Very common monsters that throw boomerangs, blue ones
	               harder. Have to give food to one or you can't continue.
DARKNUT          - Annoying knights that are quite common. Can only be killed
	               by hitting them with your sword in the back or sides.
	               Chasing them isn't a good idea, usually they turn round
	               suddenly. Blue ones are faster and stronger.
WIZZROBE         - Wizards, red ones simple enough to kill, blue ones move
	               around and are stronger, can be a real ass to kill
	               sometimes. Fire a magic beam, can be absorbed by the magical
ZOL              - Blob creatures that split into 2 gels when hit with the
	               wooden sword, die with one hit with the white sword. Usually
	               good for money.
GEL              - Smaller blobs than big brother zol, move slowly and one hit
	               with anything including the boomerang kills them.
WALLMASTER       - Hands that come out from the wall and, if they catch you,
	               take you to the entrance of the dungeon you are on, can be
	               annoying. Run along some walls to make them appear.
GIBDO            - A mummy creature that moves slowly and takes a lot of hits
	               to kill, holds items sometimes.
LIKE-LIKE        - Can steal your magical shield permanently if it eats you,
	               takes loads of hits to kill it.
POLS VOICE       - Looks like a bunny, takes a lot of hits with your sword,
	               dies with one arrow.
LANMOLA          - Centipede, red is slow and easy to kill, blue is very fast.
	               Only appears in Death Mountain.
MOLDORM          - Giant worm, easy to kill, keep stabbing it and it will die.
	               Usually in pairs.
BUBBLE           - Glowing ball that paralyses you, sword cannot be used for
	               between 5 and 8 seconds. Comes in 3 forms, aforementioned,
	               red bubble and blue bubble. Red bubble, paralyses you
	               permanently, blue restores you. Red and blue only found in
	               the second quest.
PATRA            - An eyeball with small eyes circling it, extends and spins.
	               The smaller eyes must be defeated first or the main eye is


AQUAMENTUS       - A dragon-unicorn creature, easy to defeat. Stab it in the
	               head and run when its mouth opens, avoid the fire, and
	               repeat until dead. 6 hits with the wooden sword, 4 with the
	               white sword and only 2 with the magical sword.
DODONGO          - A rhino that dislikes bombs, place 2 bombs in its mouth to
	               kill it. Walks around slowly, common in most dungeons as a
MANHANDLA        - Plant like thing with 4 mouths, can be killed easily with a
	               carefully placed bomb right in the middle of it, however,
	               gets faster the more you injure it. Can also be killed by
	               hacking it to death.
DIGDOGGER        - Big orange eye, hates certain sounds, coincidental that it
	               doesn't like the sound of the flute. Blow the flute and
	               attack the smaller pieces.
GOHMA            - Like a bigger tektite, cannot kill without arrows. Red one
	               needs 1 arrow in the eye, blue needs 3. The fire it breathes
	               towards you cannot be blocked.
GLEEOK           - Multi-headed deagon, comes in 2, 3 or 4 heads. When one head
	               is dead, the head flies around you, breathing fire. Keep
	               hitting the heads until they all die. And don't stay in the
	               same spot, keep moving to avoid the fire, as it cannot be
	               blocked, not even with the magical shield.
GANON            - Spelt Gannon in this game...anyway, as soon as you enter the
	               room he appears, then moves around the room, invisible, with
	               fire flying everywhere. Avoid the unblockable fire, stab at
	               every corner of the room until you hit him. On the fourth
	               hit he will turn brown, telling you to fire a single silver
	               arrow into him, killing him, saving Zelda, saving the day.


There are loads of items in this game, most of the dungeon items such as
the Bow and the Ladder are essential for completing the game. Other things,
such as rupees and hearts are collected from monsters once you kill them.

RUPEE            - The Hylian currency, there are 2 types of rupee, yellow
	               (1) and blue (5). They can be used for many things, including buying
	               items from shops, life or money, arrows and gambling.
HEART CONTAINER  - You will need a lot of these, they increase your maximum
	               life force by one full heart. Found after defeating the 8 dungeon bosses
	               and hidden in Hyrule.
CLOCK            - Appears sometimes when you defeat an enemy, freezes all
	               the enemies on a screen, handy when there are 8 darknuts
	               after you. Enemies drop them a lot.
HEART            - Gives you one lost heart back. You will need these to
	               stay alive.
FAIRY            - Refills your life energy completely. Found after
	               defeating enemies or at fairy fountains around Hyrule.
MAP              - Shows you the entire dungeon map.
COMPASS          - Shows you the position of the Triforce in a dungeon.
WOODEN SWORD     - Found straight away, in the cave at the very start. This
	               is your basic weapon.
WHITE SWORD      - Found near the top right corner of the map, you can only
	               use it once you have collected 2 heart containers (5
MAGICAL SWORD    - Found at the graveyard to the left of the map, top right
	               area, you need to push the grave in the middle row, third
	               from the right. You need 12 heart containers to collect
SHIELD           - You already start with this equipped. It can't defend
	               against much though, so you need to find another one as
	               soon as possible. It can defend against rocks and arrows, and
	               that's it.
MAGICAL SHIELD   - You can buy this for various prices ranging from 90
	               rupees to 150 rupees at various places around Hyrule. It
	               can defend against most things including fire, except the
	               fire that bosses throw at you.
BLUE RING        - Better defense against all enemies, it is rather
	               expensive and can only be found in one place, in the first
	               quest it is 3 screens up from the potion shop near level 3,
	               quest 2 it is at the very top right corner, after passing
	               through the invisible wall at the top.
RED RING         - Only found in Death Mountain on both quests. Provides the
	               best possible defense against everything.
BLUE CANDLE      - Can be bought almost anywhere for 60 rupees, you need it
	               to light up the dark rooms in dungeons, and to burn
	               trees. There is a downside, it can only be used once per
POWER BRACELET   - Gives you strength to push rocks to find secrets.
RED CANDLE       - Found in level 7 on both quests, same uses as the blue
	               candle, only it can be used as many times as you like on
	               one screen.
LETTER           - Found one screen left of the top right corner of the map
	               on the first quest, needs to be shown to the old woman
	               around the land, she will sell you potions.
BLUE POTION      - The blue potion can be used to completely fill up your
	               life, and can be bought for 30 rupees.
RED POTION       - The red potion does the same but once used it turns blue
	               so you can use it twice.
BOW              - Found in level 1. You need to buy arrows to use it
	               though. The bow in the second quest can be found in level
ARROW            - Arrows need to be bought at shops around Hyrule. They
	               cost 80 rupees and a further rupee everytime you use one.
SILVER ARROW     - The silver arrow is exactly the same except it is the
	               only thing that can kill Ganon. Found in Death Mountain
	               in both quests.
BOMBS            - Essential for destroying certain enemies and walls. Can
	               be found after defeating enemies or bought.
WOODEN BOOMERANG - Found in level 1 on both quests. Great for killing bats
	               and gels, can also be used to collect items from enemies.
	               It cannon pick items in dungeons that appear when you
	               kill all enemies though. Wonder why?
MAGICAL BOOMERANG- Travels faster and further, apart from that nothing
	               else. Found in level 2 on quest 1, level 3 on quest 2.
FLUTE            - Summons a tornado to whisk you away to levels you have
	               completed, needed to kill the Digdogger and access secret
	               areas on certain screens. Found in level 5 on the first
	               quest, level 2 on the second quest.
LADDER           - Can cross small patches of water, also used to get a
	               heart container later on, found in level 4 in quest 1,
	               level 6 in quest 2.
RAFT             - Used to cross patches of water using docks, can only be
	               used in 2 parts of the game, to get to a dungeon, and to
	               get a heart piece. Quest one, level 3 and quest 2, level
BAIT             - Used to feed the goriya in some levels, found in certain
	               caves, best found where blue ring is, see above.
MAGIC WAND       - Found in level 6 on first quest, level 8 on second quest.
	               Used to fire out a beam which can kill certain monsters
MAGIC BOOK       - Used in conjunction with the magic wand (see above) to
	               make fire appear where the beam hits. Found in level 8 on
	               first quest, level 4 second quest.
MAGIC KEY        - Found in level 8 on both quests. Opens any door, no more
	               collecting keys again.


All of these directions are from the starting point.


1) Go right 4 screens, bomb the wall on the left.

2) Go right, up 5 times, right 3 times, bomb the right part of the rock.

3) Go all the way to the right and up 3 times. Use the ladder to collect it.

4) Go all the way to the right, and all the way up and use the raft.

5) Go right, up 3 times, left, burn the fifth bush from the right.


1) Go right, up 5 times, right twice, down twice, left, push the
   rock that is standing out (you need the Power Bracelet), go into
   the secret stairway and choose the right path, then go down, up
   the right ladder, right, right, up, right, right, up and left. Phew!

2) Go up, left 5 times, up, down on the left side, and you will be
   in the lost woods, so go up, left, down and left to get out of it,
   then up 4 times. Push the middle grave, second row from the left.

3) Go right, up 5 times, right twice, down and use the whistle.

4) Go right, up 5 times, right 6 times, down, right, use the raft.

5) All the way to the right, and up until you see the heart container,
   use the ladder to get it.