These Codes require a Version 2.2+ Gameshark and a Version 1.2 Zelda 64 Cartridge | |
CodeMaster's Activator 1 P1 1 | D01C8D74 00?? |
CodeMaster's Activator 2 P1 | D01C8D75 00?? |
CodeMaster's Dual Activator P1 | D11C8D74 00?? |
Quest Codes | |
Infinite Energy | 8111ACB0 0140 |
Max Heart | 8111ACAE 0140 |
Skulltulas Killed | 8111AD50 03E7 |
All Equipment | 8111AD1C 7777 |
All Quest/Status Items | 8111AD24 30FF 8111AD26 FFFF |
Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons | D01C8D75 0030 811DBB72 000D |
Infinite Small Keys | 8011AD49 0009 |
Have Big Key, Compass, & Map | 8011AD28 0007 |
Have Ocarina of Time | 8011ACFB 0008 |
Have Din's Fire (MP6) | 8011ACF9 0005 |
Have Fairie's Wind (MP6) | 8011ACFF 000D |
Have Nayru's Love (MP12) | 8011AD05 0013 |
Infinite Magic | D011ACB9 0008 8011ACBA 0001 8011ACBC 0001 8011ACB3 0060 |
Have Deku Stick | 8011ACF4 0000 |
Infinite Deku Sticks | 8011AD0C 0009 |
Have Deku Nut | 8011ACF5 0001 |
Infinite Deku Nuts | 8011AD0D 0009 |
Have Bombs | 8011AD06 0002 |
Infinite Bombs | 8011AD0E 0009 |
Have Fairy Bow | 8011ACF7 0003 |
Infinite Arrows | 8011AD0F 0009 |
Have Fairy Slingshot | 8011ACFA 0006 |
Infinite Slingshot Ammo | 8011AD12 0009 |
Have Bombchu | 8011ACFC 0009 |
Infinite Bombchu's | 8011AD14 0009 |
Have Fire Arrow (MP2) | 8011ACF8 0004 |
Have Ice Arrow (MP2) | 8011ACFE 000C |
Have Light Arrow (MP4) | 8011AD04 0012 |
Always Have Fairy Ocarina | 8011ACFB 0007 |
Always Have Hookshot | 8011ACFD 000A |
Always Have Longshot | 8011ACFD 000B |
Always Have Boomerang | 8011AD00 000E |
Always Have Lens of Truth | 8011AD01 000F |
Always Have Magic Beans | 8011AD02 0010 |
Infinite Magic Beans | 8011AD1A 0009 |
Always Have Megaton Hammer | 8011AD03 0011 |
Always Have Bottle 1 Modifier 2 | 8011AD06 00?? |
Always Have Bottle 2 Modifier [See Above Note] | 8011AD07 00?? |
Always Have Bottle 3 Modifier [See Above Note] | 8011AD08 00?? |
Always Have Bottle 4 Modifier [See Above Note] | 8011AD09 00?? |
Item Modifier 1 3 | 8011AD0A 00?? |
Item Modifier 2 4 | 8011AD0B 00?? |
Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword | 8011ACBE 0001 |
Have Quiver (Holds 30) | 8011AD21 0001 |
Equipment Modifier 1 5 | 8011AD22 00?? |
Equipment Modifier 2 6 | 8011AD23 00?? |
Equipped Stuff Modifier 7 | 8011ACF0 00?? |
Time of Day Modifier 8 | 8111AC8C ???? |
L Button For Moon Jump 9 | D01C8D75 0020 811DB350 40CB |
C Left to Use Hammer 10 | 8011ACE9 0011 |
Use The Boomerang As Adult Link 11 | 8011ACEB 000E |
Access Japanese Version of Zelda | 8011C089 0000 |
Access Japanese Version of Zelda #2 | 8111BEC9 0000 |
Infinite Time To Race The Running Man | 8111C055 0000 |
Infinite Carrots On Epona 12 | 801EED38 0006 |
Miscellaneous Codes | |
Always Walking | 801EBB18 0040 |
Turbo Mode | 801EBB18 0041 |
Text For Item Always Shown In Inventory Menu | 801D96FF 00?? |
Medallion Always Selected | 801D970B 000? |
Item On left C, Sometimes Others 13 | 801D970F 00?? |
Fish You Catch Weight | 8011C087 00?? |
No Navi | 801E2A79 0007 |
Two Navis | 801E2A79 0008 |
Magic Box Power | 8017B2B5 0001 |
Fade To Black Or White | D01C8D75 0020 8011C0A2 0001 |
Rainbow Colors | 800E4E93 0001 |
Camera Overhead View | 8010ABA0 003E |
Upside Down Camera View | 8010ABB4 0041 |
Use Invisible Mirror Shield | 8011ACF1 0031 |
Use Swordcase As Shield | 8011ACF1 0041 |
Upside Down Kokiri Shield | 8011ACF1 0051 |
Upside Down Hylian Shield | 8011ACF1 0061 |
Link Takes Small Steps | 8011ACF0 0043 |
Semi Anti-Gravity Boots | 8011ACF0 0053 |
Link Takes Off To The Sky Like A Rocket (Freezes) | 8011ACF0 0073 |
Link Takes Quick Run Steps 14 | 8011ACF0 00FF |
Have Big Key, Compass, & Map In Dungeons | |
Dodongo's Cave | 8011AD29 0007 |
Jabu-Jabu's Belly | 8011AD2A 0007 |
Forest Temple | 8011AD2C 0007 |
Water Temple | 8011AD2D 0007 |
Shadow Temple | 8011AD2F 0007 |
Bottom of Well | 8011AD30 0007 |
Ice Cavern | 8011AD31 0007 |
Spirit Temple | 8011AD32 0007 |
Infinite Small Keys In Dungeons | |
Forest Temple | 8011AD3F 0009 |
Fire Temple | 8011AD40 0009 |
Water Temple | 8011AD41 0009 |
Shadow Temple | 8011AD43 0009 |
Spirit Temple | 8011AD42 0009 |
Bottom of Well | 8011AD44 0009 |
Miscellaneous Codes | |
Lots of Hearts | 8111ACAE 03F0 |
Day/Night Mode 15 | D01C8D75 0010 8111AC8C 8000 D01C8D75 0020 8111AC8C FFFF |
Swordless Link 16 | 8011ACE8 00FF |
Down-C Item Modifier | 8011ACEA 00?? |
B-Button Item Modifier | 8011ACE8 00?? |
Cutscene Maker 17 | D01C8D75 0020 8111C094 0F0F D01C8D75 0020 8111C098 0F0F |
Funky Sky | 8111C09A 0101 |
Infinite Rupees | 8111C04C 0001 |
Nayru's Love Always On | 8111C048 FFFF |
Decreasing Rupees | 8111C04C FFFF |
Text Above Hearts 1 | 8111C04E FFFF |
Text Above Hearts 2 | 8111C052 FFFF |
Run In/Out Of Houses 18 | 8111C03D FFFF |
Equip Weird Item (Mystery Bag) 19 | 8011AC22 0055 |
Dark Sky | 8111C09A FFFF |
Receive A Heart Container When You Press C or A Buttons | 8011AD24 0047 |
Kid Wallet | 8011AD22 0047 |
Adult Wallet | 8011AD22 0057 |
Giant Wallet | 8011AD22 0067 |
Far View | 80114E23 0003 |
16 bit World | 80114E25 0001 |
Jagged World | 80114E25 000F |
Fog Res Mod. | 80114E27 00?? |
Fault line Break up | 80114E2B 00F0 |
Bare gfx | 80114E2E 008F |
Shrink Dim World | 80114E2F 001F |
Wartermelon Line World | 80114E30 008F |
Animated Polygons | 80114E39 00E0 |
Colormation | 80114E39 0080 |
Submerged World | 80114E3B 0020 |
Shadow Land | 80114E3E 0000 |
Blue Swipe | 8011647E 0000 |
Purple Swipe | 8011647F 0000 |
Yellow Swipe | 80116480 0000 |
Transparant Swipe | 80116481 0000 |
White/Blue Swipe | 80116482 0000 |
White/Purple Swipe | 80116483 0000 |
White/Yellow Swipe | 80116484 0000 |
Blue/Green Swipe | 80116486 0000 |
Light Purple Swipe | 80116487 0000 |
Swipe Stays on Screen Permanantly | 8011648E 0001 |
Swipe stays on screen longer | 8011648F 001F |
Valcano Glow | 801D9600 0001 |
Green Glow | 801D9602 0001 |
Blue Glow | 801D9604 0001 |
Turn Music Off | 801D9654 0004 |
Makes Dust Storm | 801D965A 0001 811D965B ???? |
Equip Weird Items | |
To B Button | 8011ACE8 00?? |
To Left-C Button | 8011ACE9 00?? |
To Down-C Button | 8011ACEA 00?? |
To Right-C Button | 8011ACEB 00?? |
Play Intro World 1 | 8011C093 0002 |
Play Intro World 2 | 8011C093 0072 |
Play Intro World 3 | 8011C093 0055 |
Play Intro World 4 | 8011C093 0084 |
Play Intro World 5 | 8011C093 0033 |
Play Intro World 6 | 8011C093 0001 |
Play Intro World 7 | 8011C093 0000 |
Play Intro World 8 | 8011C093 0067 |
Dark Blue Tunic | 8011ACF0 0039 |
Dark Green Tunic | 8011ACF0 0038 |
Dark Red Tunic | 8011ACF0 003A |
Light Green Tunic | 8011ACF0 003B |
Light Blue Tunic | 8011A8CF0 003C |
Light Game Select Screen | 8111C09A 2222 |
Equip An Item To More Than One C-Button | 8111ACEC FFFF 8111ACEE FFFF |
Double Defense Power (White Border Around Hearts) | 8011AD4F 0014 |
Fishing Rod Equipped To B-Button | 8011ACE8 0059 |
No Items Equipped | 8111ACE8 FFFF 8111ACEA FFFF |
Age Modifier 20 | 8011AC87 00?? |
Tunic Image Modifier 21 | 801DB42C 00?? |
Infinite Small Key Codes | |
Forest Temple | 8011AD8F 0009 |
Fire Medalion Level | 8011AD40 0009 |
Water Medalion Level | 8011AD41 0009 |
Spirit Medalion Level | 8011AD42 0009 |
Shadow Medalion Level | 8011AD43 0009 |
Gannon's Castle | 8011AD49 0009 |
Treasure Chest Game | 8011AD4C 0009 |
Gerudo Fortress | 8011AD47 0009 |
Big Key, Compass, and Map Codes | |
Inside The Deku Tree | 8011AD28 0007 |
Dodongo's Cavern | 8011AD29 0007 |
Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly | 8011AD2A 0007 |
Forest Temple | 8011AD2B 0007 |
Fire Temple | 8011AD2C 0007 |
Water Temple | 8011AD2D 0007 |
Spirit Temple | 8011AD2E 0007 |
Shadow Temple | 8011AD2F 0007 |
Bottom of the Well | 8011AD30 0007 |
Ice Cavern | 8011AD31 0007 |
Ganon's Castle | 8011AD32 0007 |
Exit Modifier 22 | D01C8D75 0010 8111AC82 ???? |
Zelda FMV Modifier 23 | D01C8D75 0010 8111AC82 00A0 D01C8D75 0010 8111AC8A ???? |
Zelda - At Ganon | |
Length 24 | 812087A0 ???? |
Height | 812087A4 ???? |
Width | 812087A8 ???? |
Ganon | |
Length | 811FAB50 ???? |
Height | 811FAB54 ???? |
Width | 811FAB58 ???? |
Lady In Kokiri Shop | |
Length | 811ED9E0 ???? |
Height | 811ED9E4 ???? |
Width | 811ED9E8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED9B4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED9B9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED9BC ???? |
Flipping Guy in Kokiri Forest | |
Length | 811ED510 ???? |
Height | 811ED514 ???? |
Width | 811ED518 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED4E4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED4E9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED4EC ???? |
Guy Near Rock Near Fences In Kokiri Forest | |
Length | 811EDBB0 ???? |
Height | 811EDBB4 ???? |
Width /FONT> | 811EDBB8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811EDB84 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811EDB89 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811EDB9C ???? |
Doors - Kakariko Village | |
Length 25 | 801E2D20 ???? 801E2F20 ???? 801E3120 ???? 801E3320 ???? 801E3520 ???? 801E3720 ???? 801E3920 ???? 801E3B20 ???? |
Height | 801E2D24 ???? 801E2F24 ???? 801E3124 ???? 801E3324 ???? 801E3524 ???? 801E3724 ???? 801E3924 ???? 801E3B24 ???? |
Width | 801E2D28 ???? 801E2F28 ???? 801E3128 ???? 801E3328 ???? 801E3528 ???? 801E3728 ???? 801E3928 ???? 801E3B28 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 801E2CF4 ???? 801E2EF4 ???? 801E30F4 ???? 801E32F4 ???? 801E34F4 ???? 801E36F4 ???? 801E38F4 ???? 801E3AF4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 801E2CF9 ???? 801E2EF9 ???? 801E30F9 ???? 801E32F9 ???? 801E34F9 ???? 801E36F9 ???? 801E38F9 ???? 801E3AF9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 801E2CFC ???? 801E2EFC ???? 801E30FC ???? 801E32FC ???? 801E34FC ???? 801E36FC ???? 801E38FC ???? 801E3AFC ???? |
Plant Past Tunnel (Kokiri Forest) | |
Length | 811F09F0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811F09F4 ???? |
Width | 811F09F8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F09C4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F09C9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F09CC ???? |
Rightmost Plant (Deku Tree) | |
Length 26 | 811EC990 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811EC994 ???? |
Width | 811EC998 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811EC964 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811EC969 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811EC96C ???? |
Middlemost Plant (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811ECB50 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811ECB54 ???? |
Width | 811EC958 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECB24 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECB29 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECB2C ???? |
Left-Most Plant (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811ECD10 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811ECD14 ???? |
Width | 811ECD18 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECCE4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECCE9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECCEC ???? |
Plant Above Plants In Pair Of Two's (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811ECED0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811ECED4 ???? |
Width | 811ECED8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECEA4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECEA9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811ECEAC ???? |
Plant Two Above Those Plants In Pair Of Two (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811ED090 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811ED094 ???? |
Width | 811ED098 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED064 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED069 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811ED06C ???? |
Area Above That In Deku Tree (Through Door That Closes & Locks) | |
Length | 811F5AA0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811F5AA4 ???? |
Width | 811F5AA8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F5A74 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F5A79 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F5A7C ???? |
Area Above That In Deku Tree (Through Door That Closes & Locks) | |
Length | 811F58E0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811F58E4 ???? |
Width | 811F58E8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F58B4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F58B9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F58BC ???? |
Plant Through Small Crawlway (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811E64D0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811E64D4 ???? |
Width | 811E64D8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E64A4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E64A9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E64AC ???? |
Plant Through Small Crawlway (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811E6690 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811E6694 ???? |
Width | 811E6698 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6664 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6669 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E666C ???? |
Plant Through Door Through After Small Crawlway (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811E7390 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811E7394 ???? |
Width | 811E7398 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6364 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6369 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E636C ???? |
Plant Through Two Doorways After (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811E6E30 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811E6E34 ???? |
Width | 811E6E38 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6E04 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6E09 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6E0C ???? |
Plant Through Two Doorways After (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811E6FF0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811E6FF4 ???? |
Width | 811E6FF8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6FC4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6FC9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E6FCC ???? |
Plant Through Two Doorways After (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811E71B0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811E71B4 ???? |
Width | 811E71B8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E7184 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E7189 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E718C ???? |
Plant At Bottom Near Brick (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F57E0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811F57E4 ???? |
Width | 811F57E8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F57B4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F57B9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F57BC ???? |
Plant At Bottom Near Brick (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F59A0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811F59A4 ???? |
Width | 811F59A8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F5974 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F5979 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F597C ???? |
Attacking Plant In The Deku Tree Beginning (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F1160 ???? |
Height | 811F1164 ???? |
Width | 811F1168 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F1134 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F1139 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F113C ???? |
Attacking Plant In Deku Tree Beginning (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F15A0 ???? |
Height | 811F15A4 ???? |
Width | 811F15A8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F1574 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F1579 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F157C ???? |
Attacking Plant In Deku Tree Beginning (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F0D20 ???? |
Height | 811F0D24 ???? |
Width | 811F0D28 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F0CF4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F0CF9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F0CFC ???? |
Attacking Plant In Kokiri Forest (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811E4090 ???? |
Height | 811E4094 ???? |
Width | 811E4098 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E4064 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E4069 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E406C ???? |
Attacking Plant In Kokiri Forest (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F25D0 ???? |
Height | 811F25D4 ???? |
Width | 811F25D8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2524 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2529 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F252C ???? |
Attacking Plant In Kokiri Forest (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F2880 ???? |
Height | 811F2884 ???? |
Width | 811F2888 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2854 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2859 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F285C ???? |
Attacking Plant In Kokiri Forest (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F2320 ???? |
Height | 811F2324 ???? |
Width | 811F2328 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F22F4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F22F9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F22FC ???? |
Attacking Plant In Kokiri Forest (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F2070 ???? |
Height | 811F2074 ???? |
Width | 811F2078 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2044 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2049 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F204C ???? |
Deku Tree Front Little Thing (Below Entrance To Deku Tree) (Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F2B30 ???? |
Height | 811F2B34 ???? |
Width | 811F2B38 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2B04 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2B09 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2B0C ???? |
Gossip Stone 1 (Near Entrance To Deku Tree) [Doesn't Retain Shape] | |
Length | 811F2CC0 ???? |
Height | 811F2CC4 ???? |
Width | 811F2CC8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2C94 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2C99 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2C9C ???? |
Gossip Stone 1 (Near Entrance To Deku Tree) [Doesn't Retain Shape] | |
Length | 811F2E14 ???? |
Height | 811F2E18 ???? |
Width | 811F2E1C ???? |
Gossip Stone 2 (Near Entrance To Deku Tree) | |
Length | 811F2EF0 ???? |
Height | 811F2EF4 ???? |
Width | 811F2EF8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2EC4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2EC9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F2ECC ???? |
Deku Scrubs - Right Guy (Secret Grotto In Goron City) | |
Length | 811E3D40 ???? |
Height | 811E3D44 ???? |
Width | 811E3D48 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3D14 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3D19 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3D1C ???? |
Deku Scrubs - Middle Guy (Secret Grotto In Goron City) | |
Length | 811E4020 ???? |
Height | 811E4024 ???? |
Width | 811E4028 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3FF4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3FF9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3FFC ???? |
Deku Scrubs - Left Guy (Secret Grotto In Goron City) | |
Length | 811E3A60 ???? |
Height | 811E3A64 ???? |
Width | 811E3A68 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3A34 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3A39 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811E3A3C ???? |
All Bombs - Goron City | |
Length | 811E2B20 ???? 811E2CA0 ???? 811E2E20 ???? 811E3960 ???? 811E9B20 ???? 811EA0E0 ???? 811EA6A0 ???? 811EDDE0 ???? 811EE6C0 ???? 811EE850 ???? 811F02B0 ???? 811F04E0 ???? 811F0710 ???? 811F0940 ???? 811F0B70 ???? 811F0DA0 ???? 811F1200 ???? 811F1430 ???? 811F1660 ???? |
Width | 811E2B24 ???? 811E2CA4 ???? 811E2E24 ???? 811E3964 ???? 811E9B24 ???? 811EA0E4 ???? 811EA6A4 ???? 811EDDE4 ???? 811EE6C4 ???? 811EE854 ???? 811F02B4 ???? 811F04E4 ???? 811F0714 ???? 811F0944 ???? 811F0B74 ???? 811F0DA4 ???? 811F1204 ???? 811F1434 ???? 811F1664 ???? |
Height | 811E2B28 ???? 811E2CA8 ???? 811E2E28 ???? 811E3968 ???? 811E9B28 ???? 811EA0E8 ???? 811EA6A8 ???? 811EDDE8 ???? 811EE6C8 ???? 811EE858 ???? 811F02B8 ???? 811F04E8 ???? 811F0718 ???? 811F0948 ???? 811F0B78 ???? 811F0DA8 ???? 811F1208 ???? 811F1438 ???? 811F1668 ???? |
X - Coordinates | 811E2AF4 ???? 811E2C74 ???? 811E2DF4 ???? 811E3934 ???? 811E9AF4 ???? 811EA0B4 ???? 811EA674 ???? 811EDDB4 ???? 811EE694 ???? 811EE824 ???? 811F0284 ???? 811F04B4 ???? 811F06E4 ???? 811F0914 ???? 811F0B44 ???? 811F0D74 ???? 811F11D4 ???? 811F1404 ???? 811F1634 ???? |
Y - Coordinates | 811E2AF9 ???? 811E2C79 ???? 811E2DF9 ???? 811E3939 ???? 811E9AF9 ???? 811EA0B9 ???? 811EA679 ???? 811EDDB9 ???? 811EE699 ???? 811EE829 ???? 811F0289 ???? 811F04B9 ???? 811F06E9 ???? 811F0919 ???? 811F0B49 ???? 811F0D79 ???? 811F11D9 ???? 811F1409 ???? 811F1639 ???? |
Z - Coordinates | 811E2AFC ???? 811E2C7C ???? 811E2DFC ???? 811E393C ???? 811E9AFC ???? 811EA0BC ???? 811EA67C ???? 811EDDBC ???? 811EE69C ???? 811EE82C ???? 811F028C ???? 811F04BC ???? 811F06EC ???? 811F091C ???? 811F0B4C ???? 811F0D7C ???? 811F11DC ???? 811F140C ???? 811F163C ???? |
All Bombs on Floor | |
Size Modifier 27 | 801F045C 00?? 801F068C 00?? 801F08BC 00?? 801F0AEC 00?? 801F0D1C 00?? 801F0F4C 00?? 801F117C 00?? 801F13AC 00?? 801F15DC 00?? |
Distance You Can Get To It (Pushes You Back) | 811F03DC ???? 811F060C ???? 811F083C ???? 811F0A6C ???? 811F0C9C ???? 811F0ECC ???? 811F10FC ???? 811F132C ???? 811F155C ???? |
Walkthrough Bomb (Impermeable - 0001) | 801F03CB 0000 801F059B 0000 801F082B 0000 801F0A5B 0000 801F0C8B 0000 801F0EBB 0000 801F10EB 0000 801F131B 0000 801F154B 0000 |
? - Over 60 Value & You Can Walkthrough It | 801F03DE 00?? 801F060E 00?? 801F083E 00?? 801F0A6E 00?? 801F0C9E 00?? 801F0ECE 00?? 801F10FE 00?? 801F132E 00?? 801F155E 00?? |
Plant Past Tunnel (Kokiri Forest) | |
Length | 811F09F0 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811F09F4 ???? |
Width | 811F09F8 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F09C4 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F09C9 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F09CC ???? |
Plant Past Tunnel (Kokiri Forest) | |
Length | 811F0D70 ???? |
Flatness (And Stump Height Modifier) | 811F0D74 ???? |
Width | 811F0D78 ???? |
X - Coordinates Modifier | 811F0D44 ???? |
Y - Coordinates Modifier | 811F0D49 ???? |
Z - Coordinates Modifier | 811F0D4C ???? |
Miscellaneous Codes | |
A Skulltula Size Modifier | 811E9D00 ???? 811E9D04 ???? 811E9D04 ???? |
Sparkles Kokiri Forest (Only In Certain Areas) 28 | 811E7300 ???? 811E7900 ???? 811E7A50 ???? 811E7BA0 ???? 811E7E40 ???? 811E7F90 ???? 811E8230 ???? |
Comments | |
1 | IMPORTANT: A version 2.2 or higher Gameshark is required in order to use these codes! Also some of the following codes have been known to erase your savegame files, so please ensure that you have saved your previous savegame file to a Memory Pak before using them! Usually it is the first or second savegame file that gets erased. -GSC Staff |
2 | 14 - Empty Bottle 15 - Red Potion 16 - Green Potion 17 - Blue Potion 18 - Bottled Fairy 19 - Fish 1A - Lon Lon Milk 1B - Letter 1C - Blue Fire 1D - Bug 1E - Big Poe 1F - Lon Lon Milk (Half) 20 - Poe |
3 | 2D - Pocket Egg 2E - Pocket Cucco 2F - Cojiro 30 - Odd Mushroom 31 - Odd Potion 32 - Poacher's Saw 33 - Goron's Sword (Broken) 34 - Prescription 35 - Eyeball Frog 36 - Eye Drops 37 - Claim Check |
4 | 21 - Weird Egg 22 - Chicken 23 - Zelda's Letter 24 - Keaton Mask 25 - Skull Mask 26 - Spooky Mask 27 - Bunny Hood 28 - Goron Mask 29 - Zora Mask 2A - Gerudo Mask 2B - Mask of Truth 2C - SOLD OUT |
5 | 02 - Silver Scale 04 - Golden Scale 06 - Giant's Knife (Broken) 40 - Bullet Bag (Holds 30) 80 - Bullet Bag (Holds 40) C0 - Bullet Bag (Holds 50) |
6 | 08 - Bomb Bag (Holds 20) 10 - Bomb Bag (Holds 30) 18 - Bomb Bag (Holds 40) 20 - Goron's Bracelet 28 - Silver Gauntlets 30 - Silver Scale |
7 | Some quantity digits (14, 15, 16, 10) are by Gray Vader. All others are by Kong K. Rool! To get Hover or Iron Boots, replace the next to last digit (from 1 to 2 for Iron Boots and 1 to 3 for Hover Boots). 11 Normal Clothing21 Normal Tunic + Iron Boots 31 Normal Tunic + Hover Boots 12 Goron Tunic + Normal Boots 22 Goron Tunic + Iron Boots 32 Goron Tunic + Hover Boots 13 Zora Tunic + Normal Boots 23 Zora Tunic + Iron Boots 33 Zora Tunic + Hover Boots 14: Black Tunic & Kokiri Boots 15: White Tunic & Kokiri Boots 16: Yellow Tunic & Kokiri Boots 10: Slightly Darker Green Tunic & Kokiri Boots |
8 | 4000 - At Sunrise 5800 - Daylight Out 7000 - Very Bright Out C000 - At Sunset D0000 - Fairly Dark |
9 | With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and then let go when you are at your desired height to fall. |
10 | You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a kid, but you will not see it. |
11 | The boomerang will be equipped to the right-C button, and will be partly invisible when you are an adult. |
12 | This code temporarily only works in Hyrule Field. You must have Epona already before using this code, otherwise the game will freeze if you enter Lon Lon Ranch! |
13 | 3F - Hylian Shield 25 - Skull Mask 33 - Broken Giant's Knife 53 - Compass 34 - Boots 59 - Fishing Rod |
14 | Link floats in air if you run off a hill. |
15 | R for noon, L for midnight. |
16 | This gives Link no sword equipped. This lets you use items on Epona without having to do the long and hard trick on Ganon. |
17 | Press L to make a cutscene. You must first play a warp song for this code to work properly. |
18 | Sometimes if you enter a shop you can go through the wall. Try it. |
19 | Look on the equipment status screen. Don't save. |
20 | 00 - Adult 01 - Kid |
21 | 00 - green 01 - red 02 - blue 03 - black 04 - white 05 - yellow 08 - bright blue 0A - light green 0B - brighter blue |
22 | This code modifys where you go when you exit somewhere, such as the TOT or your house, or somewhere else. Just hold down R while exiting somewhere to go to that place. If the Triforce existed it would have to be one of the digits, because it covers EVERY exit or entrance. Quantity digits were provided by Kamek, AntGalore and Laugh10704. |
23 | Hold down `R' after the Nintendo logo is spinning to see your favourite FMV. FFF0 - Triforce FMVFFF1 - fire FMV FFF2 - Triforce FMV FFF3 - Ganondorf FMV FFF4 - Planet Making FMV FFF5 - Fire FMV FFF6 - Ganondorf FMV FFF7 - More Triforce FMV FFF8 - Ending |
24 | All of the 'Size Modifier' codes MUST BE TURNED OFF, then ON in the spot where they are used! |
25 | The regular size for doors is '3C23'. |
26 | These codes work for 'Child Link' ONLY, and must be turned off upon booting the game up. They can be turned on at the specific spot that they affect (use Memory Editor). The quantity digits for the normal size of the plants is '3ECC'. (By the way, the normal values of size before interaction - 3BA3 or 15267 in decimal) |
27 | I could only find one value for these, strangely enough! There was a value a little back of exactly the same, but for some reason it didn't seem to do anything! |
28 | Each line of code modifys a specific sparkle. |